
Making use of resources from the most beautiful forests in Franche-Comté and Bourgogne, for over a century our oak sawmill has built up a loyal clientele by concentrating on the quality of the products it offers.


Based on a site of 4 hectares it mainly concentrates its energy on storage, paying special attention to drying and packing the wood. Specialising in oak boules used for renovating old buildings and historical monuments, we are able to offer very large oak boules.


Scierie Mutelet, a tradition which has been passed on from father to son:

  • 1899 - Alexandre MUTELET
  • 1920 - Henri MUTELET
  • 1946 - Raymond MUTELET
  • 1978 - Jean-Marie et Henri MUTELET
  • 2005 - Jean Marie, Henri and Pierre MUTELET


Today Scierie Mutelet consists of:

  • 25 qualified employees
  • 14,500 m³ of sawn oak logs
  • €5.8 M turnover



© 2011-2025 Scierie Mutelet